Sculpt your future!


Happy New Year from andu amet.


さてandu ametでは、作ったものを売るだけではなく、インスピレーションを与え続けられるブランドでありたいと、毎年キー・メッセージを発表し、そのメッセージに沿ったイベント企画や製品開発を行っています。去年は「Live your color!」でしたが、今年は「Sculpt your Future!」をテーマに掲げることにしました。

「Sculpt your Future!」は、自分の未来を(自分の手で、ひとつひとつ異なる彫刻作品を作るように)形作っていこう、というような意味です。




誰かの言葉を待つのではなく 世界が変わるのを待つのでもなく 自分の意思で 自分の手で 前を向いて作り上げていこう たったひとつの正解なんてないのだから

In 2020, we had too many incidents such as a Covid-19, a civil war, a riot, a locust plague and so on. We were also forced to close the store or cancel the events, however  we are here today without any members missing and cutting none’s wedge in Japan and in Ethiopia. I am so grateful for our staff and clients who stayed positive and worked together and everyone who always supports us and enjoys our product. Whenever I look back on this year, it was quite different from last year. First of all, I would like to thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart.
Words cannot describe how grateful I am.

Every year we offer a key message and along with it we organize an event and develop a product. This brand always inspires you and not just a commerce. For last year it was “Live your color!”, and we chose “Sculpt your Future!” for this year.

“Sculpt” means “to carve” “to create”.
”Sculpt your Future” means to create your future by yourself like creating your own sculptures not for others. .

In 2020, many of you might have input many things and thought to find the answer  in the middle of the chaos where everything seems wrong. Trying to  read  books, taking an online seminar, putting your thoughts in writing… I assume many of you looked back at your lives and took a look at yourself again.

However, when it comes to making an action, there is another struggle.

Therefore, let’s take the first step to keep moving without any fears.
Then, let’s support more people who are trying to seize their dream and create the future. I want to share this thought with all of you through this key message “Sculpt your future!”.

Neither wait for a word from others nor the world to change.
Stay positive and create it with your willpower and yourself.
Because no one can judge your answer, everything is in your mind.

Sculpt your future!