Fashion revolution day

April 24th is "Fashion Revolution Day." It is a day to commemorate the global movement called "Fashion Revolution" aimed at changing the current situation of the fashion industry.



What is the "Fashion revolution day"?

The catalyst for this movement was the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh on April 24th, 2013. This tragic event exposed not only the poor building management but also the harsh working conditions faced by the people employed in the numerous garment factories housed within Rana Plaza. Over 1,100 people lost their lives, and more than 2,500 were injured; this sparked a significant social outcry.


Following this incident, a movement where consumers worldwide posted photos of their clothes on social media with the hashtag "#whomademyclothes" was born in the UK. This movement evolved into the Fashion Revolution, now involving over 100 countries.

 CitaionFashion Revolution

"Transparency": crucial for sustainability


The word "sustainability" is widely used and admired today. But what does it really mean? How can we determine if a product or service is truly "sustainable"?

The key lies in "transparency." It involves providing consumers with the necessary information to understand the environmental impact of the production process and the working conditions of those involved in manufacturing. In the fashion industry, this means disclosing information about supply chains, business practices, labor conditions, and environmental impact. Transparency is essential to ensuring sustainability and accountability.

However, transparency alone cannot solve the complex and deeply rooted problems within the fashion industry. It requires acknowledging reality and continuously striving for improvement.

After the Rana Plaza collapse, tags of globally renowned fashion brands were found among the debris. However, some brands were in fact unaware of their supply chains; it was only when they saw their own tags discovered at the collapse site that they realized for the first time that their garments were being produced in those factories. This highlights the necessity for both consumers buying clothes and those in the selling position to have a grasp of the information surrounding the products involved.

CitationVogue Business



andu amet's Commitment to Transparency

How much do you know about andu amet's commitment to transparency?

At andu amet, we employ local youth as full-time employees in our directly managed factory in Ethiopia, providing them with high-level technical training recognized worldwide. We utilize sheepskin leather derived as a byproduct of the meat industry, and our surplus inventory waste rate has been 0% over the past 13 years. 

Everything we share on this page is aimed at helping you understand how andu amet products are made, who makes them, where our materials come from, and how we minimize our impact on the natural environment. We hope that these practices align with your ideal vision of responsible fashion.

Imagine if the items you use daily bring joy or confidence to someone, without harming anyone or the environment in the process. Wouldn't you love them even more?


Fashion Revolution Japan 2024 at Omotesando Spiral Garden

From April 23rd to 28th, Fashion Revolution Japan (operated by unisteps) will hold the "Who made my clothes?" exhibition at Omotesando Spiral Garden.

The event will feature a POP-UP LIBRARY for contemplating fashion industry transparency, allowing attendees to freely explore related books from around the world. There will also be installations to experience the clothing-making process firsthand.




To tell the truth, even I, before joining andu amet, was unaware of terms like "sustainable fashion" or of the challenges faced by the fashion industry. However, I now make it a point to only buy what I need and invest in quality items. While it's not always easy to verify these practices with every brand, considering the potential impact of my clothing choices on others and the environment has become a criterion for me when selecting clothes.

Let us start by gaining knowledge and taking action. If we can spread awareness to others, societal change will surely follow.


Why not reconsider fashion from a new perspective from this Fashion Revolution Week?

Written by: Eriko K

#anduametintern #anduametEriko